Join us for R&R for HMSR 2025! This key fundraiser supports our Hawk Mountain Council Scouts. Participants are asked to raise OR contribute a minimum of $250. The R&R for HMSR Committee will provide a personalized donation link and ideas for soliciting donations. Sign up here: or view the event flyer here: 2025 RR for HMSR Flyer – Final – Fillable
The R&R for HMSR event is an adults-only opportunity to have a great time at camp, just like our Scouts do. Upon arriving at camp on Saturday, you will participate in a variety of camp activities including shooting sports, handicraft, orienteering, the zip line, a silent auction and more. Enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner and then end the evening with a cracker barrel. On Sunday morning, breakfast will be served in the Willits Dining Hall. Meet new friends and spend time with old friends….
All while supporting the Scouts of Scouting America Hawk Mountain Council!
The event begins at 12:30 pm on Saturday, August 2 and will end after breakfast on Sunday morning, August 3.
If your support totals more than $250, you will receive the following thank you gifts:
- $500 – 1st Class Scout – HMC logo pocket knife or multi-tool
- $750 – Star Scout – HMC logo mini Maglite flashlight with case
- $1,000 – Life Scout – HMC logo Yeti tumbler or Fleur de Lis tumbler
- $1,500 – Eagle Scout – all of the above rewards PLUS a HMC logo 1/4 zip.
The event patch set includes 5 patches that correspond with each support level.